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subject: Are You Contemplating Contacting An Elder Abuse Lawyer Of Virgina? [print this page]

If you have recently been considering whether or not you you need an elder abuse lawyer of Virgina, it is probably an indication that, at the very least, a conversation with an attorney who deals with elder abuse cases, is in order. When it comes to either children, or the elderly, it is better to err on the side of caution.

In several countries, including the United States, the segment of the population that is exploding the fastest is the senior age group. These numbers will continue to rise for some time to come. This means that the possibility for an increase in elder abuse looms large.

Now, more than ever, it is important for people to advocate for the elderly. We should not be reluctant to speak up & get involved when it comes to protecting people who are no longer able to protect themselves. The abuse of elderly individuals is an unacceptable crime that has both criminal and civil penalties that the perpetrators should be subjected to.

The truth is, in a lot of cases, criminal justice attempts are not successful, but civil justice actions prevail. And, sometimes, hitting someone back in the bank account, is more effective than even a successful criminal prosecution. It should also be noted that the burden of proof in a criminal court case is much stricter than in a civil case, as exemplified when O. J. Simpson was found not guilty of homicide, but guilty of wrongful death.

The truth is, putting one particular person is jail, as important as that may be, in and of itself, does not necessarily make a company become vigilant about preventing future problems. Institutional changes are often brought about by a threat to the profitability of corporate entities, including nursing home and care giving companies.

Look for signs of abuse when you are around the elderly people in your life, whether they are provided with in home care, or if they live at an assisted living center or a nursing home facility. Keep in mind that abuse does not have to be physical; for example, theft and emotional abuse. Visit them often and watch them as they are interacting with their care providers. Ask yourself if they seem nervous around them or if there are sudden changes in mood.

Come out and ask how they are being treated, and look for tell tale bruising or physical marks. If it is a parent or someone you are responsible for, you should consider getting a hidden nanny camera and microphone. Many disgusting abusers are in prison, where they belong, thanks to this technology. And, of course, keep the phone number in your Rolodex of an elder abuse lawyer of Virgina.

by: Pam Green.

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