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subject: Points To Bear In Mind About Car Insurance Quotes For 16 Year Olds [print this page]

Points To Bear In Mind About Car Insurance Quotes For 16 Year Olds

Statistics for drivers that are teenagers is not very complimentary to that segment of the population. This sentiment comes from the IHS(Institute for Highway Safety). The rate of accidents in sixteen year old drivers is six times higher than people between the age of thirty to fifty nine. It is for this reason that car insurance quotes for 16 year olds are proportionality higher than the older group.

Some insurance companies are not as strict as others and offer discounts in order for the driver to save money. Premiums are directly related to the risk profile of the driver.Placing the teenage driver on your policy schedule will be more cost effective than opening a brand new insurance policy for the teenager. This enables any discounts you have, to apply to that portion of the policy.

There are a number of pointers that will help teenagers to get cheaper premiums and also ensure the driver has no violations on his or her driving record.Teach the teenage driver all the laws of the road. A clean driving record will help with lower insurance premiums. The entire family can assist the teenage driver with this.

Lead by example, when driving your car with the teenager present, drive properly. This means keeping within the speed limit and not displaying any bad driving habits in front of the teenager. In any event you should drive according to the rules of the road.

Youngsters with good grades at school, will get discounts on the insurance premium. A GPA of 3.0 of more will normally attract a ten percent discount on the insurance premium.

Sports cars are not what you should buy your kid for his first car. You are not meant to live your life through your youngster. If you could not have a sports car then neither should he able to have one. Safe cars attract cheaper insurance premiums, especially if the car is equipped with the latest safety measures. Besides the cost saving, it could save the life of your kid.

Get your kid to support you in terms of saving money in the quest to get insurance. For car insurance quotes for 16 year olds, you need to adopt all measures available to you in order to save money.You could motivate you kid to drive responsibly by passing on any savings in your premium to them.Driving courses will be of immense value to your child in terms of better driving ability and discounts are available to people who have attended driving courses.

by: Lance Thorington

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