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subject: Give Your Back A Break By Investing In A Wheeled Backpack [print this page]

When prepping for a plane ride many of us end up overanalyzing what

goes into our bag. We stay up to the wee hours of the morning, trying

to figure out how to collectively fit that eighth (yet highly

necessary) pair of platforms in our carry-on. We completely overlook

the fact that it might be our actual bag that is slowing us down. It's

about time, (as a smart traveler would), to invest in luggage that has

our backs as opposed to holding us back. However, whether you a

traveling across the globe or to grandma's house down the street, a

wise traveler has it handled. So be that wise traveler. No one wants to

be stuck at the airport, right before boarding, toting three-five heavy

totes. That's why'wheeled backpacks'were

invented; so you don't have to do any work. It has all of the amenities

of a regular backpack, only sans the sprained wrist. Simply pack all of

your possessions into the mid-size piece and away you go, prepared for

take off.What's great about wheeled luggage is that they aren't

just limited to airports. They can also serve an academic purpose. For

years students have been piling their textbooks into their backpacks

and carrying all that weight. As one would assume, that cannot be

beneficial to their back. Left with no other option, they convert to

the wheeled backpack.Now we know wheeled backpacks aren't

exactly W Magazine material. If your last encounter with a wheeled

backpack was scoffing at a fellow student for having a'wheeled backpack,'it's

time to up your ante in the luggage department. Not only will sporting

one of these convenient carry-alls help reduce strain on your back, you

also will be moving quicker than the your competition. Which in an

airport is a major plus. Because let's face it, we all know security

check at the airport is one big rat race as to who can get through it

the quickest.These items do not cost much more than a regular

backpack and can be used way after school is out (just make sure to buy

an extremely durable one). Back to the aesthetic issue of wheeled

backpacks, many of these wonderful wheeled creations are unfortunately,

for lack of a better term, ugly. Don't surrender to a sluggish looking

option. When searching for a wheeled backpack, exhaust all of your

options.For instance, this'Ogio Wheeled Chanaco Pack'comes

with a vibrant, fun print. The colors and shape will really help make a

statement and you will stand out in the sea of wonky or wobbly-looking

wheeled backpacks. The adjustable and padded straps allow for maximum

comfort. The plentiful compartments and sleeves will help you stay

organized. Climb to the top of your class with this wheeled backpack.

Or if you aren't a fan of toting these in an academic setting, the Ogio

Wheeled Chanaco Pack is always a great travel companion. It also is

available in plaid!When it comes to high quality, quirky

backpacks, no other brand can do it quite like LeSportSac. This

youthful, striped backpack has a fully lined interior and comes in a

durable nylon. It is also available in a polka dotted print.

Nonetheless, for those looking to channel their inner fashionista while

remaining practical need not look further. The large backpack features

multiple compartments for holding anything from toiletries to pens.

by: fashion expert

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