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subject: Moving - How To Prepare Your Kids For The Big Day [print this page]

Moving - How To Prepare Your Kids For The Big Day

It doesn't matter if a new place offers a new job opportunity, better schools, or a nicer climate, moving can be a real big issue for families with kids. It's important to get your child to understand and accept that relocating isn't a bad thing. Discover a few ways you can make the process a little less painful for your kids.

Tell them immediately

There's really never an easy time to tell your child that they have to relocate, so it's best to do it as soon as you find out. This way, not only will they feel like they're involved from the beginning, they also will have more time to adjust to the fact that they're moving. Depending on the age of your child, their reaction will vary when told about the news. However, earlier is usually better, since springing the idea on them at the last minute can be disastrous.

Have a positive attitude

As parents, kids follow your lead. So if you're positive and happy about the moving, they may follow suit. Of course, at first, it may be a bit difficult. Starting something new can be tough for just about anyone. Yet if they see that you're not scared, angry or nervous about it, then this may help them realize they shouldn't be either.

Allow them to help

Making sure kids are involved in as many moving details as possible gives them a sense of accomplishment. From planning and packing to clearing out clutter and holding garage sales, keep your child in the loop. Chart out a few things they can do to help contribute to the process. This is also a good way to help gage their attitude about the situation. If they continue to be excited and eager to help with all the preparations, this is a good sign that they are more accepting of the situation. Also, this will help them adjust to their new location.

Point out the benefits

Although you may have told your kids why you all are moving, they may not realize all the benefits the new place may offer. Make sure your highlight all the great things about their new home. For instance, is there a pool in the backyard? Are there parks and playgrounds nearby? Find out what the perks are and be sure to inform your kids that their new home has some exciting new things they can take advantage of.

by: Andrew Stratton

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