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subject: The Future Of The Global Refining Industry To 2015 Benefiting From National Oil Companies Gro [print this page]


Its report on The Future of the Global Refining Industry to 2015 Benefiting From National Oil Companies' Growth is an essential source for top-level energy industry information and analyses. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the key trends, issues, challenges in the global refining industry to 2015. It also gives information on refinery product types and future refining trends. The research covers the global refining market with information on historical and forecast capacities of refineries by region and key countries during the period 2000-2015. Leading companies in the global refining industry and their investment opportunities and challenges have been examined in the report.


- The report provides detailed information and analysis on refining capacities by region and leading countries, upcoming refineries and capacity expansions, market shares of key companies and competitive scenario in the global refining market to 2015

- Global refining industry growth, capacity additions through new and existing refineries, global petroleum products demand and key global refining industry trends, drivers and challenges are covered in the report

- Its scope includes information on petroleum products consumption (2009), refinery wise capacity (2000-2015), competitive overview(2009) in 14 major markets across the globe including China, Japan, India, Russian Federation, Germany, Italy, United States, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kuwait, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela

- Analysis of key issues and challenges for refiners in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, North America, South and Central America between 2010 and 2015

- Refinery throughputs and utilization rates (2000-2008), details of key upcoming refinery projects (2010-2015) and competitive scenario (2009) of all the five regions across the globe

- Global refining margin trends in the US Gulf Coast, the US West Coast, the US East Coast, North West Europe and Singapore markets between 2004 and 2009

- Provides information on refining capacities (2000-2015), planned and active refineries directly owned (2000-2015) by top 10 global refiners including ExxonMobil Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, ConocoPhillips, Petrochina Company Ltd, Valero Energy Corporation, BP Plc, Total SA, Petroleo Brasileiro SA and Petroleos De Venezuela SA

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