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subject: Simple Ways To Help You Pay Off Your Debts [print this page]

It is not always easy to pay off debt these days. The worsening economic problems of the country make it more and more difficult for people to set aside enough money for monthly debt payments. If you are one of those people who are feeling the economic pinch brought about by the rising cost of living in the country, do not despair. With good debt management skills, you will still be able to pay off your debts and keep your credit ratings high.

Make a Debt Inventory and Set Your Priorities

The first thing that you need to do to pay off your debts is to make an inventory of everything that you owe to your creditors. Gather all your bills and put them in one file. Make a list of all your monthly payables and rank these payables according to urgency. You need to set your priorities.

For instance, if you have been behind in your home payments, you should put home payments as your top priority to avoid foreclosure. Loans with high interest rates should also be on top of your list. Note that high interest rates can make your loans grow so fast so be sure to pay close attention to these loans with high interest rates. If you can consolidate your high interest loans with the rest of your loans with lower interest rates, do so.

Get Rid of Your Credit Cards

If you want to pay off your debts and get back into the right financial track, get rid of most of your credit cards. Two credit cards are enough for you so if you have more cards than that, get rid of the others. Credit cards a notorious when it comes to burying you in debts so as early as possible, pay off your debts and then retire most of your credit cards.

No, rolling over balances from your credits cards will not help you pay off your debts. At most, rolling over your credit card balances will only delay the inevitable. To help you get out of a potential financial problem, pay your credit card bills and stop using your cards. As soon as you have finished paying your credit card bills, call the credit card company and tell them that you want to cancel your cards.

Come up with a Spending Plan

You should always have a monthly spending plan. Make a list of the things that you need for the month and then buy only the things that you need. Having a good spending plan will help you avoid economic pitfalls.

by: Hugh J. Lara

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