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subject: Hair Straighteners Are Too Hot For Children [print this page]

Hair Straighteners Are Too Hot For Children

The number of parents using a hot styling tool for styling their hair is increasing day by day and it is time that they become aware of the ill effect it can cause to their kids if they touch the hot iron that are left carelessly after use. You should therefore understand the basic things that can help in child proofing and provide protection of your child from burning accidents. There are so many dos and donts that are associated with the protection of your children from the hot styling tools like hair straighteners, curling irons, blow dryers etc. burns from a hot styling tool can happen to anyone.

Adults are also required to take some precautions to prevent injuries caused by a hot styling iron. Even though adults dont get that serious burns as compared to the burns for children, but some burning accidents can leave a permanent scar on their skin that can make it look ugly. Due to the delicate skin of children, they can get serious burns that can disfigure their skins appearance. Proper and careful handling of a hot iron during styling is highly essential to prevent the brushing of the device on the skin accidentally and cause skin burns. The burn can be even more dangerous if the iron was used at the highest temperature as those required for taming the most thick, curly and unruly hairs. So, remember that your skin doesnt get in contact with the hot iron during the process of styling.

Small babies and young children are the most common victims of accidental burns from a hot iron. This is because kids are always curious in exploring any new thing and can receive critical burns. So, make sure that the hot styling tool is kept safely at a place that cannot be explored by children. Never leave it unattended before the device gets cooled. Even after you shut off the device, it can remain hot for around 10 minutes. So, it is important that you ensure that they have cooled down completely after use to prevent accidents. Moreover, never give your children an opportunity to play with the device when not in use as it can tempt them to imitate you after plugging it.

by: Blain Gowing

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