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subject: Protect Your Purchases [print this page]

Most things in life we feel like we can manage purchasing things with a couple of months saving or making monthly payments on them. Some of the larger purchases like couches or household furniture you might take a year or so to save up for or put it on a credit card and pay it off. We recognize that with couches and other things like that they will be used, sat on and possibly get stains. We don't want them to have that happen, but we recognize that is a possibility.

Some people will choose to put a stain guard on their furniture or take special precautions so that things don't get ruined so quickly. It is an investment that you want to have a long time. You really don't want to be purchasing more expensive pieces of furniture every year or even every other year. With a dishwasher or other appliances you do recognize that regardless of how well you take care of it that it will break down and have to be replaced.

Now that you have thought about these things think about some of the larger purchases that you make in your life. A house is probably one of the largest purchases that you will make in your life. That is a very large investment and there are several things you can do to help your home stay in good shape. From floor rugs to painting the walls and generally keeping your home clean. It is a matter of everyone in the home being on the same page and striving to take care of it.

Another large purchase that many don't take lightly is purchasing a car. Vehicles are not inexpensive and are definitely something that you want to do everything you can to take care of it. For some people they will invest in floor mats and even a steering wheel cover. Then there are those that will go with different covers for their seats so they don't end up getting stained. Often times we think a lot about the inside of the car, but figure there isn't much we can do for the outside of the vehicle. Did you know that instead of putting up with the dents and scratches you could invest in body side molding that you can put on yourself? This will help protect the outside of your car.

With every purchase we make in our lives we recognize that there are things we can do to extend the life of the purchases. It is important to do all we can so that our dollar goes further.

by: Art Gib

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