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How to get car insurance without a license??

It is likely to get car insurance without license. And there are many organizations which provide cover for such people. In fact, car insurance for teenagers and people without license has been gaining on popularity recently. Whenever you come up to an organization about the auto insurance you must let them know that you are searching for cover and also that you do not possess a license.

You must be aware of the fact that this kind of insurance is severely temporary as you can't get insurance for around a year without having any license since this is against the book. But there are many companies which do not need any proof of the insurance but will see your driving record and history.

Several companies might offer you insurance if you get your license in due time, or within a specified time duration. One of the major reasons why individuals search for this kind of insurance is since they have had their license impounded and they are required to maintain their car insurance so as to have their license back. Nearly all of the insurance companies will offer you thirty to forty-five days to obtain your license.

The other major reason for getting such cover is that you have got moved to the other country and also have an international driver license but you have to get one for the new country of your residence. About all the governments need auto insurance so they must have the policies available for all kinds of possibilities. You can also check with your local DMV for any recommendations.
How to get car insurance without a license??

But you cannot obtain insurance without any license for an indefinite period as this is against the rule. It is not legal to drive without a driver license and most of the insurance organizations assume that you have applied for the license and will get one within a very short duration of time.

Another aspect which will influence getting insurance without any license is the root of your suspension. If you got your license suspended due to DUI then it will be very difficult then if you have many of the parking tickets available. Plus this aspect will also influence your insurance rates because you are much more of a danger and very likely to be involved in an accident.

You can get cheap auto insurance quotes by visiting various websites of the insurance companies on the internet. You can also compare the various prices to obtain the best deal suitable for you.

How to get car insurance without a license??

By: Iniesta

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