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Designer Costume Jewelry

Gemstones used in designer costume jewelry

There are several gemstones which frequently appear in designer costume jewelry. Historically these stones were used for their mystical properties, but with the advent of designer costume jewelry, gemstones were selected for their colors more than anything else.

In fact, it is not uncommon to have colored glass used in designer costume jewelry, as the intention of the piece of jewelry is to capture attention and be fashionable, rather than to hold any mystical properties.

And this is the fundamental reason as to why we say our jewelry is not strictly costume jewelry even though it is designer created, it is designed with the mystical properties of the gemstones in mind, not just the visual properties.

However , we dont mind if people call our jewelry designer costume jewelry, because from the outside we can see how it can closely resemble that definition. We also know that once you become familiar with our jewelry, you wont call it costume jewelry either.

Regardless, here is a list of just a few of the gemstones you will find within our designer collection. To emphasize the intention of our collection and of each piece, we have included a description of the commonly accepted energetic or mystical properties said to be contained within each unique gemstone.

The list is not exhaustive though, this is just a brief snapshot of just a few gemstones- we will delve further into this fascinating topic another time.

Amethyst: a power stone, used to open up the spiritual and psychic centre and bring strength. It represents piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom ; a stone of higher wisdom awakening, and creative inspiration.

Black Labradorite: which aids in keeping you grounded and brings forth the ability to integrate various things more fully in your life.

Blue Topaz: is the stone of manifestation and balance, bringing out your leadership capabilities and enabling you to handle any situation you encounter calmly and competently.

Citrine: clear thought and prosperity

Clear Quartz: Clarity, Magnification, a stone that increases energy, holds your thoughts and 'crystallizes' them;

Lapis Lazuli: Courage, Clairvoyance, also a stone of universal truth and friendship. It brings harmony in relationships and helps emotional clearing. Lapis Lazuli opens your throat chakra and makes yourself speak clearly and effectively.

Pink Topaz: Humor & Fantasy Pink Topaz which aids in manifesting your heart's desire

Pink Tourmaline: helps to purify the blood...the life force Pink Tourmaline: Devotion, Pleasure & Privilege,

Rhodochrosite: Sacred Mystery & Recreation, is a stone that connects you more fully to the Sacred Mystery and teachings of the Divine Mother.

Siberian Blue Quartz: magnifies inner emotions so they can come forth and be cleared giving you focus and clarity.

There are many more wonderful natural crystals and gemstones used within our designs, there are even several manmade crystals, such as fiber optic, which has its own unique and wonderful properties that make it deserving of inclusion in our collection.

by: Andrew Maughan

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